Comic Review: Warlord of Mars #33

The first of two Barsoomain comic reviews finds John Carter and family on the run for their lives and trying to discover the truth about the "new" Tardors Mors.

Fleeing Helium, Carter, Dejah Thoris and Carthoris head towards the Valley Dor, suspecting that the Therns might hold the key to the mystery. But Mors is ahead of them, sending troops in to find the same information. Striking an uneasy deal with the new father of Therns, Carter finds what he is looking for, an ancient text that dates back to the time of the Orovars and the creation of the twin spires of Helium. However deceit is named Thern and the family must flee, but end up leaving one behind...

A fast-paced issue is probably the best way to describe it dear readers. From a brief confrontation between Tars Tarkas and the new ruler of Helium to the final fight to escape, Arvid Nelson and artist Wagner Reis keep the tempo moving without any slow spots. To say more might rob the reader so I'll just let you discover it and not spoil it.

There are a few qualms though, including Dejah's even more skimpy outfit, Carter's foul mouth (such vulgarities from a Southern Gentleman) and some questionable story telling decisions to mar this issue a bit but not enough I feel to completely destroy it.

So there you go, a quick recommendation and I hope you enjoy it. I'll be back tomorrow with Dejah and her "army." See you then!


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