Return of the Jedi Cool Fan Trailer
Some video fun for your Thursday. This year marks the 30th anniversary of Return of the Jedi, and while I know it gets a bum rap for me it has a personal meaning: It was the first film that I ever saw in a movie theater. It was an experience that led me to the full Star Wars trilogy, a love of sci-fi and fantasy and eventually to Barsoom and other magical places. So from time to time I'll be taking a look back. For today it's a cool fan trailer created by Youtube user editingsithlord that does a great job selling the film. Plus fans of John Carter might recognize the music used in it and honestly, it fits better here. So enjoy!
It was the first Star Wars I saw in the theater. I was aware of the story because of the comics, and because of the few pieces I was able to see on tv. Next I saw Star Wars in reruns, and then The Empire Strikes Back on a small tv screen, thanks to a bootleg copy a friend's father was able to get. Fond memories!!
Looking forward to your 30th anniversary thoughts!
Mike Poteet