Comic Review: Warriors of Mars #4

This weekend's comic reviews begins with another quest to rescue a beautiful princess from an evil creature. Isn't that the plot of every story?
When we last left off, John Carter and Gulliver Jones had forged a truce in order to rescue Dejah from the Thither people who have kidnapped her along with Gulliver's magic carpet. As this issue opens, Carter and Jones find themselves at the end of the River Iss/of Death, almost falling prey to some sweet smelling and tasting substance. Lucky for them they are rescued by an outcast Thither, who helps direct them on their ways. Meanwhile the Thither king Zar-Hap questions Dejah about the carpet and when failing to receive a satisfactory answer has thrown into a pit. Before too long there is a surprise cameo appearance, our heroes entering the Thither stronghold and Gulliver flying off into another adventure.
So far I've been enjoying this crossover between the two Martian heroes and this issue does a good job, if a little too briskly. As mentioned before writer Robert Napton wrapped up the adaptation of Gulliver of Mars in the first two issues and before this issue ends wraps up the story here. While I'm all for a fast read, it might have benefited from slower moments. That said this issue does have a tearful reunion between Dejah and the aforementioned cameo and some rousing action, including Carter kicking Thithers all over the place.
Artwise I'm really enjoying artist Jack Jadson's take on the characters here. In fact this maybe the best Carter and Dejah have looked in any of Dynamite's comics to date, combining some pleasing character designs and even some homages to their looks from the John Carter, Warlord of Mars series from the 1970s. Gulliver and the Thithers are also handled well and the backgrounds for once really pop. Just take a look at the first three pages-it's really great work.
I'll conclude by giving this a big thumbs up. For fans of Barsoom and Gulliver Jones its a fun series. Next time we'll see how another Edgar Rice Burroughs character's comic book arc ends. Until then...