
Showing posts from May, 2012

FilmFax 130: John Carter of Mars Tribute!

John Carter Of Mars - Take Me Back To Barsoom Video

John Carter Blu-Ray Reviews

Comic Review: Dejah Thoris #12

Star Wars Turns 35

John Carter of Mars 1950s Trailer

Mark Andrews Talks Brave and John Carter

John Carter Clip-Father and Daughter (Russian)

John Carter Is the Number 1 Pirated Movie

John Carter Clip: "I Was Late Once..."

Comic Review: John Carter-The Gods of Mars #3

Movie Review: Solomon Kane

Tarzan 3D: More Casting News

Comic Review: Dejah Thoris & the White Apes #2

Comic Review: Lord of the Jungle #4

John Carter Blu-Ray Extras Revealed

John Carter Rises

Dejah Thoris Pic of the Day

Kellan Lutz and Spencer Locke Cast in Tarzan 3D

John Carter Blu-Ray Trailer

Edgar Rice Burroughs on Writing

The Barsoom Saga Revisited Part II

Taylor Kitsch Still Defending John Carter