Robert Rodriguez Stil Planning "Fire and Ice"

OK. For those who don't remember here's a little refresher: Back in 2010 Robert Rodriguez announced plans to direct a live action remake of Fire and Ice, the animated fantasy co-created by Ralph Bakshi and Frank Frazetta. Then about a year later some concept artwork showed up around the time of the 2011 San Diego Comic-Con (if you want to see the other pieces go here Well in a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter's Heatvision Blog Rodriguez reconfirmed his plans to make the movie: "“We’re almost done with the script; we’ve got it pretty much 70 percent there. I’m really excited about that one.” But don't expect it soon. The film will be made after he gets done with the sequels Machete Kills and the long gestating Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. Anyone want to take any bets whether or not it gets made?