Ciarhan Hinds on John Carter and Harry Potter plus has Pixar lost it?

Well after the last few days at least I'm at least trying to put myself back together. Hopefully my story will be a warning. Now some actual news.

First up Collider has scored an interview with actor Ciarhan Hinds, who is busy promoting the thriller The Eclipse (not to be confused with Twilight 3: Eclipse). In this video piece Hinds talks about his role in John Carter of Mars and gives some news-first he is playing the role of Tardors Mors (it was rumored he was but no official statement was ever made) and that the film's beginning does resemble the opening of the first novel-John Carter being chased into a cave, passing out and the astral projection. Given that the film is being filmed in caves in England ( has info on that) at least something has survived. After the story of composer Michael Giacchino's involvement could it be possible that the film is actually improving after the recent dispiriting news that has leaked out? We'll see. (Viewers will also get some news on Hinds' role in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on the video).

The second piece comes from Ropes of Silicon who asks the question "Has Pixar lost its originality?" The piece concerns the company's next films-the sequels Toy Story 3 and Cars 2 as well as the apparent scrapping of such projects like Newt and Brad Bird's live action 1906. It is also one of the few pieces to state that John Carter is not a Pixar production. You can decide for yourself at


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