
Showing posts from January, 2010

Flash Gordon: The Less Campy Script

RIP JD Salinger and Michael Chabon on John Carter of Mars

Green Lantern Concept Art!

Mandalorian Plots and a Geologist of Mars!

Whither Goest Cimmerian...Again?

Book (Or Short Story) Review: Conan-Red Nails

News Time: Red, Green and Blue

John Carter of Mars Has Begun!

Casting News UPDATE: Conan and Malcolm's Dad Goes to Mars

Movie Review: Princess of Mars

Meet The (New) Beatles! Plus Favreau Goes Clone?

Indiana Jones and the Spider-Tharks of Doom!

Star Trek, Green Lantern and More Avatar News

Daily News: Avatar, Buck Rogers and 1970s John Carter

John Carter of Mars Studio and Start Date!

More News: Spider-Man, PGA Sci-Fi Love and a Mars What If?

Dune Gets a New Director

DVD Review: Buck Rogers "70th Anniversary Edition"