'Star Wars: The Heart of the Jedi' Now Online
With a new "canon" to follow, here's a look at one that fell by the wayside. Back in 1992, author Kenneth C. Flint was hired by Bantam Spectra and Lucasfilm to pen a new novel that would take place shortly after Return of the Jedi. Sadly The Heart of the Jedi was pushed back constantly and finally never published...until now. The web site Star Wars: The Expanded Timeline has posted the first eight chapters of the book in two sections with the remaining chapter coming soon. I read the first part and fans of Star Wars will enjoy it. Also fans of Edgar Rice Burroughs might get a good chuckle out of some of the names as the Rebel Alliance has to fight High Admiral Tharkus and his underling General Kantos, so head over to http://starwarstimeline.net/The%20Heart%20of%20the%20Jedi.htm and read it.