Is John Carter's PR a Debacle?
That's the question that is being asked on the site Sf-Fandom by writer Michael Martinez who wonders why there has been no news about John Carter of Mars recently. For the most part I agree with him (and not just because he has graciously listed this blog in his piece), it seems that everyone involved with this movie-Disney, Pixar and Andrew Stanton-have been hiding this film from the public. We've had two San Diego Comic-Cons in a row with nothing shown (even though Disney has been there 3 years in a row promoting Tron: Legacy), no official website (just a Facebook page that has had no updates forever) and the most we get from the actors is standard "the movie will look great" speak, not to mention Disney preventing concept artwork shown at their D23 Expo in 2009 from leaking out or even the photo of one of the extras in costume that leaked out a few months back which was quickly removed from the actress' IMDB page. Why is this film being hidden? I can understand yes it might be premature to show scenes with needed FX (who wants to see Dafoe in his motion capture PJs?) but the fact that we know virtually everything else about every other big movie coming out in 2012-from constant Hobbit news to casting of the Spider-Man reboot to even pics of John Carter star Taylor Kitsch's other big-budget flick Battleship-you begin to wonder when are they going to start promoting this?
I love the start graphic nature of it. It reminds me of the woodcuts of Lynd Ward, one of my all time favorite artists.
As for your question Mike, the artist is named William Erik Evans and the piece was comissioned by Pixar. He has a blog where he talks about it here Hope that helps!