Taylor Kitsch Talks John Carter of Mars Trailer!

Another bit of early morning news. Collider has an interview up with actor Taylor Kitsch where he talks about his upcoming projects including John Carter of Mars http://collider.com/taylor-kitsch-interview-john-carter-of-mars-battleship-savages/86411/. Very little new info is revealed even though he does talk about working with the green screen process compared to his previous film The Bang Bang Club: "I was looking at a 100-foot green screen and there was an X on it at the 75-foot mark, and that was supposed to be a ship that I’m blowing up. In situations like that, escapism is a lot harder, as an actor, and tests you in different ways. Making a light switch real to me, as something that’s going to kill me, and being able to just be present and react to someone are very different."
UPDATE: Well it looks Kitsch had more to say when he sat down with MTV http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1662124/taylor-kitsch-john-carter-of-mars-trailer.jhtml In this case he has confirmed that he has seen the teaser trailer for the film and that "All I'll say is, good luck piecing it together. You're going to be like, 'How the f--- does this all fit together?' " No word when the trailer will premiere but with the summer movie season starting in two weeks with Thor we might get our first look soon.
RE-UPDATE: Well it looks like Kitsch jumped the gun. In a new interview with Cinemablend http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Taylor-Kitsch-Talks-Working-With-Andrew-Stanton-On-John-Carter-Of-Mars-24329.html he's admitted the trailer is still a long way off: "You won’t see it for a bit. There’s a couple things that need to be tweaked in the sense of just the facts and stuff." So I guess we're back to two days before the movie opens then.