Dejah Thoris #5 Preview (Plus ERB Speaks)

More hot Dejah action! In this case MTV's Geek News has posted the cover art for issue 5 of Dejah Thoris which will hit this July So which cover gets your vote for the hottest? I'll go with Jusko's above thank you.
The second news comes from the man himself! Or rather the guy playing him. The unofficial John Carter of Mars movie site has excerpts from comments made by actor Daryl Sabara at the recent premiere of the Disney flick Prom. On his role in the film: "I play Edgar Rice Burroughs, he's the author of all the John Carter stories. He's the author of Tarzan. But this one is just John Carter for now. He plays John Carter's nephew, because in the story Edgar Rice Burroughs incorporates himself and says that John Carter is his uncle and that the stories are actually John Carter's private journal. And so the story's kind of seen through Edgar's eyes." For more of the interview go to
Thank you!