Michael Giacchino Talks John Carter of Mars

Some music news for your Sunday. The site Collider has a brief interview up with composer Michael Giacchino where he talks about his upcoming slate, including JJ Abrams' Super 8, Mission: Impossible 4 and John Carter of Mars http://collider.com/michael-giacchino-super-8-john-carter-of-mars-mission-impossible-4/85184/. So far though he hasn't begun work yet on John Carter: "Haven’t started anything on that musically. They’re working their butts off just trying to get that together. They shot it and now they’re in post and dealing with animation and all kinds of stuff, so there’s a lot to do before I actually sit down. Probably before I touch that I’ll be with Brad [Bird] on Mission: Impossible first. So it’ll go Super 8, Mission: Impossible, and then John Carter."