Tarzan News 1: Skarsgard and Savage Lands
Originally I did a "John Carter News" feature collecting little tidbits so I guess we'll revamp that for Tarzan News. So get you bull ape calls ready!
The first piece comes from Crave Online, which posted an excerpt from an interview with actor Alexander Skarsgard promoting his upcoming movie Disconnect about David Yates' upcoming Tarzan film. Despite earlier reports Skarsgard is not signed yet for the role but he has revealed he has read the script and "it’s a very, very good script" he reports. Hit http://www.craveonline.com/film/articles/474541-exclusive-alexander-skarsgard-isnt-sure-about-tarzan for more info, including his comments on Yates.
Next up and falling in the "how did I miss this" camp, Amazon is taking pre-orders for The New Adventures of Tarzan: The Savage Lands, the latest in Andy Briggs' revamp series, which is set for July 16. This time around Tarzan and company hit Opar so we'll see how Briggs tackles that area. To order go to http://www.amazon.com/The-Savage-Lands-New-Adventures/dp/1480400149/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1365109024&sr=8-1&keywords=tarzan+savage+lands
OK I'll be back later with some reviews (about 200 pages into Swords of Waar) and more news.