Mark Strong on Green Lantern and John Carter of Mars Plus a Bonus!

Well it's not much of a bonus but still. First up Empire Magazine's online site scored a brief chat with Mark Strong where he discussed his roles as Sinestro in the upcoming Green Lantern and (straight from the site) "ruler of the Ferns, Matai Shang" in John Carter of Mars Most of it is discussion of working with the heavy CGI and green screen process and he compares both:“They’re very similar in a sense that they’re like trying to make a jigsaw puzzle with two thirds of the pieces missing because so much of it is CGI. As Andrew Stanton says, ‘I’m not in post, I’m in principle digital photography.’” I wonder if those Ferns are hard to do in digital?

UPDATE APRIL 2: I decided to give you a different bonus: Footage from Green Lantern shown at this week's WonderCon in San Francisco. It looks better than the previous trailer and I hope you enjoy it!


Anonymous said…
That actually looked borderline awesome. Some people were complaining about "too much CGI" but really, Green Lantern's power *is* CGI. He thinks something up and the ring makes it.

Didn't see any Guardians.

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