Flash Gordon Gets Serious and More Thor!

I didn't expect two updates today but that's how the world turns.
First up the site Airlock Alpha has an interview up with director Breck Eisner in which he talks about his plans for Flash Gordon, which I guess is his next film (even though I had heard a month back he was planning on a remake of John Carpenter's Escape From New York). He talks about how the film will avoid both the campiness of the 1980 film-no Queen on the soundtrack-and the "total crap" as he calls it of the recent Sci-Fi Channel series and how he hopes to use the same technology James Cameron used in Avatar to help make the film. You can read the full interview at http://www.airlockalpha.com/node/7612.
And with the clock ticking on to Comic-Con, more pics are popping up. This time we get a new Thor pic showing off evil Loki in his helmet and some of the other characters in the throne room of Asgard. The pic is at http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/herocomplex/2010/07/thor-bows-first-look-asgards-gleaming-throne-room-in-thor-.html